

Mike Tjepkema是W. Nuhsbaum,Inc,Leica Microsystems光学显微镜的独家区域经销商的成像专家。188金宝搏的网址三年来,他在印第安纳州,肯塔基州和俄亥俄州南部南部的生命科学和工业环境中得到了支持和销售先进的成像系统。此前,迈克在芝加哥的销售代表中作为W. nuhsbaum的销售代表花了六年,他代表了Leica Widefielfics的全线,从教育到自动化研究系统。

Mike holds a Master of Science in biology from Western Michigan University, where Leica microscopes played a critical role in advancing his research and completing his degree in 2006. With a bachelor’s degree in education from Central Michigan University, Mike has a passion for teaching microscope users how to use equipment, software, and the latest technology to optimize their research.